
Aktuální report č. 63 / 2015

Datum: 18. září 2015

Annexe to the Agreement on bank guarantees with PKO BP SA

The Management Board of Budimex SA reports that on 18 September 2015 it was informed by Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski SA about signing of an annexe to the Agreement on limit for bank guarantees, of which the company had informed in its current report No 20/2015 dated 8 April 2015.

Under the annexe, the limit amount to which Budimex can order the Bank to issue bank guarantees was increased from PLN 200,000,000 (say: two hundred million zlotys) to PLN 300,000,000 (say: three hundred million zlotys).

Other provisions of the Agreement shall remain unchanged.

The value of the Agreement exceeds 10% of the equity of Budimex SA.

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