
Aktuální report č. 26 / 2015

Datum: 12. května 2015

Conclusion of an annex to the agreement on contract guarantees with TUiR WARTA S.A.

The Management Board of Budimex SA would like to inform you that on 12 May 2015, the company was informed about signature of an annex to the agreement on granting contract insurance guarantees by Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji WARTA SA. The company informed about the conclusion of the agreement in the current report No 71/2013 of 6 November 2013.

Pursuant to the annex, the limit up to which the company can order Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji WARTA SA to issue insurance guarantees increased from PLN 80,000,000,- (say: eighty million zlotys) up to PLN 110,000,000,- (say: one hundred and ten million zlotys) and the term of the agreement has been extended until 23 October 2015.

The remaining terms and conditions of the agreement shall remain unchanged.

The value of the agreement exceeds 10% of equity of Budimex SA.

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