
Current report no 79 / 2014

Date: October 2, 2014

Last stage of internal reorganisation in Ferrovial Group

The Management Board of Budimex SA, acting pursuant to Article 70 Subsection 1 of the Act of 29 July, 2005 on Public Offering, the Terms and Conditions of Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organised System of Trading and on Public Companies, with reference to report no. 52/2014 dated 27 June, 2014, publishes a notification received from Ferrovial Agromán Internacional, S.L.U. reading as follows:

Ferrovial Agromán Internacional, S.L.U., pursuant to Article 69 (1) (1) and Article 69a (1) (3) of the Act of 29 July, 2005 on Public Offering, the Terms and Conditions of Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organised System of Trading and on Public Companies, has announced that on 29 September, 2014 the Central Mercantile Register notified it of registering a legal transaction pursuant to which Ferrovial Agromán Internacional, S.L.U. (acquirer) acquired, as a result of a partial division of Ferrovial Agroman S.A., 100% shares in subsidiary Valivala Holdings, B.V. (acquired company).

Therefore, Ferrovial Agromán Internacional, S.L.U. currently holds directly 100% of shares in Valivala Holdings, B.V.

Meanwhile, Valivala Holdings, B.V holds directly 59.06% of Budimex S.A. shares.

The said transaction is the last stage of internal reorganisation within the Ferrovial Group, as a result of which Ferrovial Agromán Internacional, S.L.U. became an entity that took over the operations until then carried out by Ferrovial Agromán, S.A. concerning all foreign companies of the group. The companies referred to above are wholly-owned by Ferrovial S.A.

Information regarding this matter was included in the previous notification dated 26 June, 2014. Additionally, with reference to that notification it was clarified that Ferrovial Internacional, S.L.U. did not participate in the current stage of internal reorganisation of the Ferrovial Group.

The number of shares held by Ferrovial Agromán Internacional, S.L.U. prior to the change in shares and their percentage of the Company’s share capital, as well as the number of votes carried by those shares and their percentage of the total number of votes:

  • 0% of the share capital.
  • 0 votes.
  • 0% of the total number of votes.

Number of shares currently held by Ferrovial Agromán Internacional, S.L.U. (via Valivala) prior to the change in shares and their percentage of the Company's share capital as well as the number of votes carried by those shares and their percentage of the total number of votes:

  • 59.06% of the share capital,
  • 15,078,159 votes.
  • 59.06% of the total number of votes.

Information concerning the intention to further increase the percentage of the total number of votes: Ferrovial S.A., Ferrovial Agromán Internacional S.L.U. and Valivala Holdings B.V. have no intention to increase their percentage of the total number of votes in Budimex S.A.

Ferrovial Agromán Internacional S.L.U. subsidiaries holding the company's shares: abovementioned Valivala Holdings B.V. as a shareholder with 59.06% share in the total number of votes.

Information regarding a third party with which the entity entered into an agreement on the transfer of the right to exercise voting rights – no such agreement.

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Shareholdership structure as on 20.05.2021

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