
Aktuální report č. 9 / 2014

Datum: 6. února 2014

New route for the DK 21 in Słupsk - selection of the bid by Budimex Budownictwo Sp. z o.o.

The Management Board of Budimex SA announces that on 6 February 2014 it was informed by the Town Infrastructure Managing Authority in Słupsk about the selection of the bid made by Budimex Budownictwo Sp. z o.o. (100% owned subsidiary of Budimex SA) as the best bid in the open public procurement procedure for "Construction works as part of the Project: New Route for National Road no. 21 in Słupsk".

  • Contract value: PLN 88,944,228.37 net
  • Commencement date: Transfer of the construction site within 10 days of signing of the contract
  • Completion date: 20 months from signing of the contract
  • Guarantee period: 3 years
  • Financial terms:
    • Advance payment: 10% of the gross works value
    • Payment: 30 days from the date when the Contracting Authority receives the invoice
    • Performance bond: 10% of the gross contract value
  • Liquidated damages to be paid by the Contractor:
    • 20% of the gross contractual remuneration for the withdrawal from the contract for reasons attributable to the Contractor,
    • 0.1% of the gross contractual remuneration for each day of delay in the performance of the contract,
    • 0.1% of the gross contractual remuneration for each day of delay in the repair of defects discovered upon acceptance, during the term of warranty and guarantee,
    • 0.1% of the gross remuneration for each instance of default on the payment of remuneration due to the subcontractors.
  • Liquidated damages to be paid by the Contracting Authority:
    • 0.1% of the gross remuneration for the withdrawal from the contract for reasons attributable to the Contracting Authority.
  • The Parties shall have the right to claim damages in excess of the liquidated damages, up the amount of damage actually suffered.

The contract's value exceeds 10% of the equity of Budimex SA.

( více )

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